Grace Bible Church

Athens, Texas -

Phone: 903-670-1782

Grace Bible Church – To know Him and to make Him known – Matthew 28:19-20


Grace Bible Church is a wonderful, Spirit-led body of believers. Since its beginnings in 2002, Grace Bible Church has been faithfully preaching the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and equipping believers to live life according to the unchanging truths of the Bible.  Grace Bible Church is a non-denominational church with no formal affiliations or memberships.  Grace Bible Church is a growing multi-generational church currently consisting of a Pastor, elders, deacons, Children’s Ministry Director, Worship Leader, secretary, 100 members, and frequent visitors.  Our church building is home to the Athens Bible Study Fellowship men’s and women’s groups consisting of about 300 weekly attendees including children.  We support multiple outreach and ministry partners and have a desire to continue growing in the Lord.  


"To know Him and to make Him known"

Our Mission

To help you explore and grow in your relationship with God.

Our Priorities

Worship - to celebrate God together in meaningful and life changing ways
Walk - to grow in your personal relationship with Him
Witness - to share His grace and love with others

When we Meet

Bible Classes (All ages) – 9:15 am
Worship – 10:30 am
Wednesday evenings – home-based Care Groups
Men’s Breakfast – 1st Saturday of each month - 7:30 – 9:30 am
Ladies Game Day – 3rd Saturday of each month, 10 am – 1 pm
Bible Study Fellowship – Men, Tuesdays at 6:30 pm. Women, Tue/Thur. at 9 am 


6400 State Highway 19 South, Athens, Texas 75751


